worse than trying to saddle a crocodile and ride him through the Great
Plains. The only two times we could get members to come, the
investigators cancelled or weren't there. Elsa was sick all week and
we never could connect for a blessing. Nina was busy all week. It was
all around kinda slow, but without all these you wouldn't enjoy the
good weeks as much.
We had a great zone conference. The focus this month is the
restoration of the gospel. We learned how we can more powerfully
testify of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon in our lessons. I had a
great interview with president Griffin, afterwards. He's a great man.
Roger Hoopes came to church this week. He's been investigating for a
year now. He's struggling with reading and praying everyday. We've
been able to help him start doing those a little bit more.
Those small and simple things of reading the scriptures, especially
the Book of Mormon, and prayer make the largest difference in our
lives. If we stop doing that we will start to die, spiritually. It
will take time, but after a while we will eventually get to a point
where we don't believe anymore or even worse, question why we even
believed in the first place. I've seen this pattern way too many times
on my mission working with less actives, and it's almost always the
same story, they stop reading and praying.
If you want to stay alive, spiritually, then we have to apply CPR. Go
to Church, Pray daily, and Read the scriptures. Jacob 3:11 - "O my
brethren, hearken unto my words; arouse the faculties of your souls;
shake yourselves that ye may awake from the slumber of death; and
loose yourselves from the pains of hell that ye may not become angels
to the devil, to be cast into that lake of fire and brimstone which is
the second death."
Elder G. Franklin Scherer
This church is in Plano, Illinois. Apparently after Joseph Smith died,
his wife Emma and family and a few others that apostatized from the
true church came here and this was the building they build.
I'm also not sure how you are supposed to get a car into this garage.
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